MOSAiC Media Library

MOSAiC Media Library

The latest photos, videos, podcasts, and more from the MOSAiC expedition


Blowing snow MOSAiC Photo Collection

Check out this extensive collection of expedition photos and infographics from the Alfred Wegener Institute


MOSAiC videos MOSAiC Video Collection

Browse video interviews with MOSAiC scientists and crew, recordings of live classroom calls, and more!


MOSAiC Mixdown MOSAiC Mixdown: Mini podcasts from the Arctic

MOSAiC School Ambassador Sam Cornish produces these short (but sweet!) podcasts sharing his experiences and thoughts as a MOSAiC leg 1 participant.


The IcePod The IcePod: The Podcast About Polar Science and the People

Hear directly from team members who were on board the Polarstern during MOSAiC!