Emelia Chamberlain


As part of the ECO team I will be helping collect Ecosystem key parameters (ex: coring ice, collecting water from the CTD), processing these samples in the lab, and running respiration/methane oxidation incubations for my own/my team's work.

Science Questions

How do interfacial exchange rates, biology, and chemistry couple to regulate ecosystems and the major elemental cycles in the high Arctic sea ice?  How do ongoing changes in the Arctic ice-ocean-atmosphere system impact larger-scale heat and mass transfers of importance to climate and ecosystems? 

What are you most excited about the expedition?

This is not only my first Arctic expedition, but my first cruise in general. I feel very lucky to be able to start my career on such an exciting and impressive project that could have lasting impacts for generations. I am very excited to experience the Arctic, collect data for my dissertation (and on one of the most well-equipped ice-breakers out there too), and have the chance to contribute to this astoundingly comprehensive cross-seasonal data set. 

What do you love most about the Arctic?

The Arctic is a beautiful and fascinating place. I find the organisms that have learned to adapt to this extreme icy environment incredibly interesting. And, for what is often thought of as an isolated region, the processes that occur there are inextricably linked with the rest of the global climate. This broad reach makes the Arctic a unique, yet important place to study.