Jeff Bowman


I am participating in the project entitled, Collaborative Research: Quantifying microbial controls on the annual cycle of methane and oxygen within the ultraoligotrophic Central Arctic during MOSAiC, where my group will be participating in the collection and analysis of microbial population structure data, methane production and oxidation data, bacterial abundance, and net community production. 

Science Questions

What are the primary microbial taxa that are involved in the production of key climatically active gases?

What are the physical drivers of seasonal succession in microbial community structure?

How will the marine microbial community change in the future Arctic as environmental conditions change, and what are the climatic implications of these changes?

What are you most excited about the expedition?

I most excited about the unprecedented full-year data on microbial population structure.  There will be many major challenges.  For me personally, I expect that being away from my two young children will be hard.

What do you love most about the Arctic?

The cold.