Time Series of the Anomalies in Temperature and Precipitation Metrics Between 1950-2099 for Southwestern Colorado Under Three Future Climate Scenarios

These datasets contain time series of anomalies, relative to 1971-2000 period, in the mean, daily minimum and maximum temperatures (F), precipitation (%), growing season lenght (GSL in days), and warm season duration index (WSDI in days) for the Southwest Colorado region for the three future climate scenarios considered in the Social Ecological and Climate Resiliency (SECR) project.

CSC Name
North Central CASC
usgs summary

These datasets contain time series of anomalies, relative to 1971-2000 period, in the mean, daily minimum and maximum temperatures (F), precipitation (%), growing season lenght (GSL in days), and warm season duration index (WSDI in days) for the Southwest ...

csc id
test field