TopoWx ("Topographical Weather/Climate") temperature dataset tile grid

This dataset is a shapefile that contains the grid outlines and identifiers for the tiles produced by the TopoWx ("Topographical Weather/Climate") temperature dataset as applied to the USGS North Central Climate Center Domain and the surrounding area of Montana. The TopoWx dataset contains gridded daily temperature and is an interpolated spatio-temporaldataset in the same vein as the well-known PRISM ( and Daymet products ( Daily Tmin and Tmax are provided at a 30-arcsec resolution (~800m) from 1948-2012 along with the latest 30-year monthly normals (1981-2010). The goals of the TopoWx project were to produce a dataset that: (1) incorporates key landscape-scale physiographic and biophysical factors that influence spatial spatial patterns of temperature;(2) provides estimates of uncertainty; (3) is appropriate for analyzing trends; and (4) is open to the research community for further analysis and improvements.

CSC Name
North Central CASC
usgs summary

This dataset is a shapefile that contains the grid outlines and identifiers for the tiles produced by the TopoWx ("Topographical Weather/Climate") temperature dataset as applied to the USGS North Central Climate Center Domain and the surrounding area ...

csc id
csc status
test field