MOSAiC is the largest Arctic research campaign in history. MOSAiC 2019 AWI Klebnikov Polarstern (Steffen Graupner)

Shortly after...

MOSAiC team members on the Polarstern

Team Ocean recovers its 'Cluster,' an instrument that measures temperature, salinity, currents, turbulence, and CO2 in the ocean. Photo credit: Lianna Nixon/CIRES

Scientists tow Stroeve's Ku/Ka radar across an opening in sea ice. Even in the heart of winter, sea ice is dynamic. Credit: Julienne Stroeve, NSIDC

Under the extreme...

A scientist stands before a large blue melt pond. Photo: Lianna Nixon/CIRES

It’s so great to see so many eager scientists out here. 

An up-close look at snow-covered corn ice. Photo: Michael Gutsche/AWI

Ice is the main character in this MOSAiC story.