Polar bear guard

As the...

How are polar bears adapted to their chilly environment? Photo credit: Lianna Nixon, CIRES/CU Boulder

In this Quick Bite activity, your students will explore how Earth's systems are interconnected by becoming members of the 2019-2020 MOSAiC expedition science teams.

Sea ice extent in the Arctic is on the decline. Could the opposite of a Snowball Earth happen? Figure credit: MIKKEL JUUL JENSEN/SPL/COSMOS 


This short activity will help your students start to connect the concept of albedo to the Arctic and Earth's climate.

How do you think the average albedo of the Arctic compares to the average albedo of the entire Earth? Photo credit: Michael Gutsche/AWI

Just like you and I might have a financial budget, Earth has an energy budget. In this Quick Bite activity, students will explore this energy budget and what happens if it changes. Photo credit: Stefan Hendricks/AWI

Why are the Moon and Earth so different temperature-wise if they are essentially the same distance from the Sun? 

Did you know that some Arctic foxes change color depending on the season? In this Quick Bite activity, your students will hypothesize why this happens and what it means for the Arctic foxes' survival. Photo credit: Michael Ginzburg

How thick does sea ice need to be to support an airplane landing? It turns out we can use a simple equation to calculate the answer. Photo credit: Michael Gutsche/AWI