Team Ocean and the crew onboard Polarstern recover instruments that were deployed on the MOSAiC project. Photo: Lianna Nixon/CIRES and CU Boulder

We have a new mission now...

Russian research icebreaker Akademik Tryoshnikov and Polarstern meet in the Arctic Ocean to exchange personnel, cargo and fuel. Photo: Steffen Graupner/AWI

Our ship now sways side to side.

This week: The Polarstern is on its way back home. Also: How exactly do we define the Arctic? And: Check out this week's featured media resources, including 360-degree videos, podcasts, and more! Photo credit: Lianna Nixon, CIRES/CU Boulder

Markus Rex, leader of the MOSAiC expedition, took this photo of the sun with a halo around it on Sep. 13, 2020.

Near the...

Leg 5 group photo

Photo by Steffen Graupner/AWI

This summer's...