Analysis to evaluate and improve model performance in the Central Arctic: Unique perspectives from autonomous platforms during MOSAiC. 1805569. Gijs de Boer (PI), John Cassano (Co-PI), Dale Lawrence (Co-PI), Brian Argrow (Co-PI).
Arctic water isotope cycle processes and patterns in the Central Arctic during an International Arctic Drift Expedition (MOSAiC). 1852614. Jeffrey Welker (PI) and Eric Klein (Co-PI).
Chemical, Physical and Biological processes linking snow and sea ice to the Arctic Ocean mixed layer: Improving models through the MOSAiC platform. 1735862. Robert Rember (PI), Meibing Jin (Co-PI) Hajo Eicken (Co-PI), Ana Aguilar-Islas (Co-PI), Kristen Buck (Co-PI).
Chemistry of reactive gases in the Arctic sea ice and atmosphere. 1914781. Detlev Helmig (PI), Byron Blomquist (Co-PI), Laurens Ganzeveld (Co-PI), William Sturges (Co-PI).
Collaborative Research: Defining the atmospheric deposition of trace elements into the Arctic ocean-ice ecosystem during the year-long MOSAiC ice drift.
- 1753423. David Kadko (PI)
- 1753418. Clifton Buck (PI)
- 1753408. William Landing (PI)
Collaborative Research: Improving the Prediction of Sea Ice through Targeted Study of Poorly Parameterized Sea Ice Processes at MOSAiC and Responsive Model Development.
- 1724540. Don Perovich (PI) and Christopher Polashenski (Co-PI)
- 1724748. Marika Holland (PI)
- 1724467. Bonnie Light (PI)
Collaborative Research: Quantifying microbial controls on the annual cycle of methane and oxygen within the ultraoligotrophic Central Arctic during MOSAiC.
- 1821911. Jeff Bowman (PI)
- 1821900. Brice Loose (PI)
Collaborative Research: The Role of Planktonic Lower Trophic Levels in Carbon and Nitrogen Transformations in the Central Arctic, a MOSAiC proposal
- 1824447. Carin Ashjian (PI)
- 1824414. Robert Campbell (PI)
Collaborative Research: Surface Exchange of Climate-Active Trace Gases in a Sea Ice Environment During MOSAiC.
- 1807496. Byron Blomquist (PI), Laurens Ganzeveld (Co-PI), Chris Fairall (Co-PI), Detlev Helmig (Co-PI)
- 1807163. Stephen Archer (PI)
Collaborative Research: Thermodynamic and dynamic drivers of the Arctic sea ice mass budget at MOSAiC.
- 1724551. Matthew Shupe (PI), Amy Solomon (Co-PI), Ola Persson (Co-PI), Chris Fairall (Co-PI)
- 1723400. Timothy Stanton (PI)
- 1724424. Don Perovich (PI)
- 1722729 Jennifer Hutchings (PI)
Enhancing the Value of MOSAiC through Coordination and Outreach. 1839104. Matthew Shupe (PI) and Anne Gold (Co-PI)
Monitoring Sea Ice Evolution with Ultrawideband Microwave Radiometry in the MOSAiC Campaign. 1838401. Joel Johnson (PI) and Kenneth Jezek (Co-PI)
Parameterizing sub-grid Arctic snow-on-sea-ice processes in Earth System Models using MOSAiC field observations and realistic-resolution process models. 1820927. Glen Liston.
AON: Sustained observation and analysis of the Arctic upper ocean thermohaline stratification